Henry’s Top Priorities as Alderman
Henry has never shied away from challenging issues. He’s often the only alderman asking questions at city council meetings.
Henry’s Top Priorities as Racine Alderman
Henry has never shied away from challenging issues. He’s often the only alderman asking questions at city council meetings and understanding the issues, discussing options, and seeking the right solution matter more than being a rubber stamp for someone else. Henry is a true independent who looks out for the interests of everyone.
Community Safety and Quality of Life
Supporting those who wear the badge and adding officers to respond to citizens’ complaints is Henry’s top priority. Henry believes that the government’s first duty and highest obligation is to public safety. Racine residents have a right to feel safe in their homes and their city. The skyrocketing crime rate has left many residents, especially the most vulnerable, feeling unsafe in their homes and city. This must end.
Henry is uniquely situated to understand the crime issues that we face and to take decisive actions, including increasing the number of officers, collaboratively working with the police department, targeting crime, and enhancing youth programs.
Make Racine An Affordable Place to Live
Wisconsin has one of the highest property taxes in the nation, with a median property tax rate of a little over $3,000. Racine’s median rate is about $3,300. Doing so won’t simply be accomplished by moving fees to another area or turning a tax into a fee, which is simply a hidden tax. It’s also not as simple as reducing taxes because then city services that residents rely upon aren’t funded, including vital services like police, fire, and public works. Henry will “right size” government, streamline operations, and increase efficiencies in city government operations.
In addition, affordable housing is critical. The reasons for high housing costs are complex and multifaceted, but Henry will address those issues that the city can control, including streamlining the planning and permitting to reduce costs to builders, explore housing options outside of traditional single-family homes, and work with developers to bring more affordable and safe housing to Racine.
Increase Community Development
Small businesses are the lifeblood of the economy, but many have vanished due to the pandemic and government shutdowns, high costs of doing business, and too many government regulations. Henry will streamline the process for setting up small businesses, explore additional funding options to assist small business start-ups and work with local colleges and community organizations to ensure that everyone who wants to start a business has a fair chance to do so.
In addition, Henry will evaluate zoning laws to support small business development better, explore an adaptive reuse program to help small businesses turn vacant historic buildings into new businesses, give preference to local businesses in city contracting when legal, and implement real economic development incentive programs to favor small businesses.
However, that doesn’t mean large businesses don’t play a role in creating a great city. Henry will work with businesses of all sizes to create good-paying jobs for residents through incentive programs and the development of a strong workforce in the city.
Bring Everyone to the Table
Henry believes that all voices and perspectives matter and that decisions are best made not in a bubble but through engaging conversations and discussions. In addition to appointing liaisons to work with community stakeholders, Henry will be accessible directly to hear the community’s voice.
Open and transparent Government
For too long, decisions and deals have been made in secret. That ends the day Henry is sworn in as Mayor. Residents should know what the city government is doing because not only is it the business of the residents, but they can’t have a voice on issues that they don’t know about. Henry believes that government should be open, transparent, and accountable to the people it serves.
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Paid for by "Friends of Henry Perez", Henry Perez, Treasurer.